Legacy Application & Re-engineering

Enterprises are increasingly facing the challenge of aging and old software applications, better known in computing parlance as Legacy Applications which are essential for the organizations but at the same time prove to be a nightmare for programmers and maintenance engineers. Though burdensome, legacy applications also represent years of accumulated experience and knowledge. It is, therefore, unwise to discard them before building new state of the art applications to leverage current technologies.

Whether the result is simply to be able to view data without refreshing the screen or streaming an entire e-Commerce check-out process, Rich Internet Applications are a cost-effective solution

Some of the benefits that enterprise may reap from our experience are as follows :

* Proven processes, technology expertise and tools to re-engineer your applications to modern technologies such as Php,.Net
* Rapid action and effective re-engineering on your legacy applications to contemporary platforms with optimized architectures, simultaneously retaining or enhancing the value in the applications.
* Proven expertise in modifying or extracting business logic from legacy systems. We follow a structural approach where we analyze your legacy applications, dig out the business rules, employ the latest tools and development techniques and transform your legacy systems into contemporary applications.
* Greater flexibility to respond quickly to market changes with scalable platforms, reduction in cost spent on out of control legacy systems and reduced total cost of ownership.

We also offer state of the art content management solution for websites and that can help you when you want to manage your own site and make some small changes here and ther